Thursday, November 02, 2006

Real Estate - A Comfortable Way To Retire

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, real estate investing has
made over 4 million millionaires in the United States alone.
This is about 4% of the population.

Investing in real estate offers numerous benefits, such as asset
appreciation, quick low-investment yet high profit transactions,
cash flow, security, long-term, wealth, and numerous tax
benefits, just to name a few - oh, and don't forget the most
important aspect - it can make you rich and add you to the 4%
who living the good life.

Real estate investing is something that anyone can learn and
prosper at regardless of age, gender, religion, race, education
or family background, and it can even be done while working at a
completely different occupation. You can begin with virtually no
out-of-pocket start up costs, and work from your home full-time
or part-time. Real estate is one the few occupations left where
the little guy can start with virtually nothing and still strike
it rich!

Real estate investing is better than any other form of
investing, even better than the stock market. Yes, you might be
thinking this can't be true, but it is. You see, so much
emphasis is put on the stock market by the media and financial
institutions that many people don't realize that it is not the
only investment option available, and that in fact, it is
probably the riskiest.

Let's use an example to clarify this. Suppose you invested
$100,000 in the stock market. What will you actually have in
your hand at the end of the deal? Nothing more than a paper
certificate saying you own x number of shares in xyz company.
Now what happens if that company goes bust? Your certificate is
worthless and your money is gone.

Real estate is a much safer investment and generally outperforms
the stock market. Sure, the real estate market booms and slumps
occasionally, but each slump is guaranteed to be followed by a
boom that ends up being higher than the previous one. And even
in the bottom of the slump, what do you have? Not a worthless
piece of paper, but a solid piece of the planet earth. Even if
your house burns down you still have the real estate underneath
it. This is the solidity that is real estate investing. Nothing
can take that piece of land away from you. You are solely
responsible for its use and how you profit from it; whereas in
the stock market you are relying on complete strangers to make
you money.

The other huge advantage of real estate investing is that, quite
simply, they have stopped making land, and everyone needs a
place to live, so as the population increases, so too does the
demand for land and housing. This is great news for investors
because real estate will continue to offer one of the best
investment opportunities for many years to come, as demand
forces prices to increase.

So how do you plan for retirement? Relying on social security
alone will lead you directly to the poor house. Consider real
estate investing and guarantee a thriving income stream long
into retirement.

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