Monday, July 16, 2007

How to Choose a Contractor for your Next Home Improvement Project

The plan is ready. All the details are in set, so far, so
good. You have decided you cannot do all, or even any, of
the project. You need to hire a contractor. How, then do
you pick the right one for the job? If this is not your
first project, you know the drill. Merely repeat it or
rehire the contractor you had previously employed on other
jobs. If they are available or did a good job.

If you are new or need a refresher course on the dos and
don'ts consider the following as a brief guide into hiring
the right contractor for the job.

The Plan

It is always necessary to know first what you want done.
Create the plan before you even attempt hiring. Write it
all down so it can be easily circulated and understood.
This is not the final draft but will be a work in progress.

The Search

You could look in your local phone book under contractors
but there are other ways to go. Word-of-mouth is the most
common means of referral. Ask any of your friends,
acquaintances or colleagues about any work they have done.
Find out how they liked the quality and overall execution
of the work.

Check with building material suppliers, building
inspectors, insurance agencies, banks, local builders'
associations, brokers, real estate agents, architects and
the Better business Bureau. This should supply you with
names, numbers and varying degrees of references from
glowing to non-committal to condemnation.

You now have enough information to make the initial

First Contact

The first contact with a contractor should be over the
phone. Explain the basics about your project. Without going
into excessive detail explain what it is you want done, the
size of the project, the location, a possible time-frame
and any essential deadlines as well as a cost range. Find
out the contractor's availability and notice any expressed
enthusiasm or disparaging remarks. Find out, as well, the
certification or licenses possessed and, maybe, obtain a
free estimate.

Conducting Interviews

An interview is restricted by a number of factors,
including whether any of those contacted want to attend. It
is, however, an essential part of finding the right
contractor for your project.

The interview should focus on such aspects as availability,
the kind of work crew hired, the structure of a contract,
the relationship to the all-powerful permit granters ( a
bad one can hold up work), and former projects. Check out
the contractor's portfolio. Are jobs similar to yours
listed? If so, how long ago were they completed? This
information will paint you a picture of that particular
side of the contractor as well as providing information on
references to be contacted later.

The plan should be trotted out. A good contractor will
really listen, making astute comments, indicating positive
aspects but noting where improvements or changes could or
should be made.

If possible find a little about the personal life of the
contractor. Emotional turmoil or serious drama on the
home-front could complicate or interfere with your project,
extending dates and resulting in chaos where there should
be order.

Whittling Down the List

After all the interviews are completed, contact the
supplied references, see what they have to say. Whenever
possible, go to the contractor's past and current work
sites to see how it is operated.

Check on their stated qualification to obtain verification
and compile a list of pros and cons. From it select the
final candidates. Hopefully there will be two or three.
From them obtain bids or, at least firm estimates.

Factor this into the total equation of compatibility,
competence and price. Only after all this leg work is done
should you decide who is the best candidate for your next

Staying organized is always a challenge after a big home
improvement project.  For help, visit Get Organized at


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