Thursday, August 02, 2007

Do's and Don'ts to protect Your Home From Burglars:

DON'T: Install but not use an alarm system. Nearly every
pricey house that is robbed has some type of alarm that is
not utilized.

DO: Arm the alarm system even if you are only running out
for just a few minutes. Knowledgeable burglars snoop
neighborhoods and learn when residents go to work or run
errands and how long they are likely to be away. They're
ready to move the minute you are gone.

Get a zone alarm that has room to room control. You can
leave the bedroom alarm armed when you're in the living
room, for example.

The best alarm systems offer many layers of protection,
motion, heat light sensors, etc.

DON'T: Posting alarm signs that say what alarm company you
are using. Thieves can buy diagrams on how the systems are
wired and can easily bypass them..

DO: Buy plain signs that read, 'This home is protected by
an alarm system. As long as it doesn't give detailed
information, it can be an excellent deterrent.

DON'T: Keep lights on. A light that stays lit all day and
night is no more of a deterrent than a dark house. Use
timers that turn on an off lights in different parts of the
home at different intervals. Web retailers and home stores
sell motion detectors that turn on lamps or appliances if
somebody enters the home.

DON'T: Hide items in the bedroom. It's the first place
burglars look. Most robbers spend 15 minutes or or even
less in each house.More than half of the time is spent in
the bedroom, looking in the usual hiding places, an dresser
drawer under the mattress high closet shelves, etc. Don't
hide all of your valuables in one spot. A burglar is not
likely to get everything if you spread out things in
different locations.

DO: Keep valuables or jewelry you seldom wear in a
safe-deposit box. Hide other items in places where burglars
don't normally look, like the garage, or above dropped
ceilings. Or hide valuables in the deep freeze or in
diversion safes made for this purpose.

DON'T: Get a big dog. A doberman or German shepherd might
seem scary, but burglars don't care. Most big dogs, unless
they're real guard dogs, don't bark much. What you want is
a "yapper," a small pooch that makes a lot of noise when

DON'T: Hide windows with bushes. Tall shrubs give burglars
a safe, dark place to force open windows without being
seen. Keep bushes trimmed to below window level.

Diversion Safes Available at



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