Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Designing A Home For Healthy Living

Much is heard these days about ways to make our planet healthier, but our homes also need to be designed for optimum health. There may not be much you can do with the design of your home once it is already built, but you can certainly do many things to make it healthier. Here are some of them.

- Make sure your home is not damp. Mould grows in damp places and that is not healthy. Dampness also ruins carpet and flooring and contributes to smells that are unpleasant. It may also make getting arthritis more likely. Even simply keeping the windows open will help.
- Avoid furnishings that collect the dust. Long pile carpet is the worst offender, but lacy curtains also harbour dust. They can be replaced with blinds, vertical blinds, or fabric curtains with no texture.
- Simply clearing the clutter out of your home will make it easier to live in. For a start it will be lots easier to clean and dust, and there will be more room. Living in uncluttered space is good living.
- Choose colors to suit the use of the rooms. Bedrooms need have restful colours; living rooms can be more vibrant - unless you want to rest and relax there too.
- Use natural light wherever possible. Fluorescent lighting takes Vitamin A from the body and is a strain on the eyes.

By: Mel C

Mel writes about buying land, land release and other home-related topics.


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