Monday, September 03, 2007

5 Simple Rules for a Faster, Smoother Home Sale

Congratulations! You've decided to sell your home.

Now what?

No doubt you've heard about challenges in the real estate
market recently, and wonder what that means for you.

Here's the truth: Whether it's interest rates, home values,
local competition, or just "the market" in general, selling
your home isn't as tough as you might think.

In fact, you actually have a lot of control over getting
your home sold as fast as possible, and for a desirable
price, too. By working with a reputable Realtor and keeping
in mind a few rules of thumb, you'll be surprised at how
simple the process can be.

Rule #1: Make a good first impression. Good looks count for
a lot when it comes to valuing your home and making it
appealing to buyers. Make sure your landscaping is neat,
painting touchups are done, and yard clutter (tools, toys,
equipment, etc.) are neatly stored and out of sight.

Rule #2: Knock out that "To-Do" list. The burned out
exterior floodlight bulb? The kitchen drawer with the
missing knob? The bathroom door that sticks, and the slow
drain in the sink? Take care of these little things, or
they'll become larger and larger issues in the minds of
potential buyers.

Rule #3: Straighten up, but don't obsess. No one's
expecting you to pass a white-glove test, but interior
neatness is important. Before a prospective buyer comes
into your home, do your best to make sure there aren't any
dishes in the sink, move life's daily clutter out of common
areas, put clothes in the hamper, and run the vacuum.

Rule #4: Seduce the senses. Open curtains and blinds to let
light in. If it's warm out, open the windows, too. To
engage a potential buyer's sense of smell, brew a pot of
coffee, bake a loaf of bread, or light a good-quality
scented candle. For the ear, play some nice mood music
quietly in the background. (Be sure to avoid jarring music
or talk shows.)

Rule #5: Relax, and let your Realtor do the talking. You've
got a Realtor to help you sell your home, so let them do
what they do best! They know how to handle buyers, and
often read between the lines to hear the real concerns they
may be masking with otherwise innocent-sounding questions.
And besides, do YOU want a homeowner following you around
everywhere when you look at a home to buy?

When you think of how different every single home sale is,
it won't come as a surprise to learn that nothing in these
rules equals a guaranteed sale. But over time, Realtors
have come to learn that when sellers follow these rules of
thumb, the process goes more smoothly, and the odds for a
faster sale tend to rise.

And here's a bonus. Instead of seeing your home as
something you're just trying to get rid of, by following
these simple rules, you'll also start seeing your home as
something truly valuable you've invested in, you take pride
in, and you're happy to be offering it to the lucky
homebuyer who says, "I'll take it!"

Alpine Lakes Real Estate has been building long-term
relationships in the White Mountains region for more than
20 years. Their extensive real estate expertise is enhanced
by their vast knowledge of the entire building process.
With offices in Lincoln and Campton, NH, they also offer
assistance with IRS 1031 "like-kind" exchanges, and the
Design-Build services of their in-house architect. For more
information, go to .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.

5:21 AM  

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